Sunday, February 5, 2012


When in need - pray. When in doubt - pray. When others come to mind (especially those people you don't always associate with or have long forgotten) - pray. Just even a simple, "God your will be done in their lives right now, protect them, and comfort them," or a "LORD, bless them," will do.  His Word speaks. Pray what you hear Him say.  It's now wonder Paul says to pray without ceasing - since ALL day long we are bombarded with thoughts and accusations, reasons to doubt the blessings coming into our lives, and other people's situations and the way we have interacted with each other. All day long we have reasons to take our thoughts captive and pray. Seek the mind of Christ and the Father's will through Him

Billy Graham's still on the street @ Lifeway building in Nashville, TN
There have been many, many 911 prayers in my life. It began with God  help me not feel like this and I'll never drink again, and get me out of this bad part of town and I'll never do this again, etc. Then as I had kids, prayers began to focus on health, long life, and protection. When I started my own business, prayers went like this on a regular basis: LORD, prosper me and grow my business and I'll give away most of my money to churches and needy causes - I even had a list of how much I would give to each charity, church, and family member.  Then when Dan and I were fighting and he did something I didn't approve of, I prayed for a way out, to die, for him to die, for him to cheat on me so I can divorce him and not look bad, etc. I prayed for pain of addictions to go away, I prayed for peace and calmness in my life, and I prayed to have a new life. No matter how much I prayed, and how much I wanted some of these things to happen, something better and more meaningful always did. 

The LORD did bless our life with protection and health and I am thankful for that. He wrecked our marriage and built it back up on a stronger foundation than ever, with lasting results. He provided in the greatest of needs and we never have had to worry about having food or clothes (even when we had no money in the bank and no food in the pantry - He used others to provide and mysterious ways to make what we had last). He took away every addiction and then some, even the stuff I did not know had my heart - He removed it. He broke all curses and generational iniquities. He showed me the deepest parts of my soul, and then graced me.  He healed and restored all wounds, hurts, and relationships. He fought for me. He fought hard for my peace and freedom.  I am awaiting what He will do as far as business goes now, but the more meaningful stuff and the hardest to deal with He has already mended. He has brought me true freedom.

not like this ...

The most memorable prayers though have been the 911 prayers for others. Like when Gabriel fell off the trampoline on his head : LORD let this leave no lasting mark in his body and may nothing be hurt. He was fine right after the initial cry. LORD, I don't know why but I need to pray for a friend from bible study,( upon which I began and He stopped me and interceded allowing the Holy Spirit to pray for me) - to find out she ran out of gas in a bad part of town and would have been hurt. LORD, I don't want to pray for his healing now, I love this song, (as I wanted to worship at our church, the LORD made me sit during this time and pray for a brother-in-law of a friend who was in critical condition with some kind of a tumor on his brain), but okay - and he was healed from any trace of tumors that very hour in the hospital miles away. I've prayed for numerous kiddos I get e-mails about, and much healing I have witnessed as a result. I just wish that I turn to the LORD without it having to be a 911 dire need - but for every little thing no matter how small or simple or little in comparison to others. He wants to take care of it all. I just have to ask.

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