Corporate prayer sounds so, so corporate... But nevertheless, it is an important and very powerful time in our life when heaven and earth unite and worship on the same level. The word "corporate" may be a little intimidating at first, but it's just the best word we have to describe an entire group of believers coming together and seeking the same purpose. I have witnessed this, time and time again at Gateway Church, and I cannot emphasize the importance of engaging during these very meaningful endeavors. Whether at Habitation services, or the First Conferences, the PINK women's conference or the men's Alpha Summit - each specific engagement is designed to help stimulate our minds and hearts into receiving from God and hearing specifically what His will for our lives is. I will share a few of these great momentous times in my life:
One of my favorite moments was during a time of worship at a conference at Gateway - We were seeking to hear from God and to be still in His presence. I engaged fully, as I honestly wish I did more often, and saw Jesus with my spiritual eyes. He was on stage and singing to me, looked like he had a guitar in his hands even, but don't quote me on this I cannot remember. But anyway, He was rocking out to this song and walked to the end of the stage, and sang right to me. Now I know many singers do this and it means nothing more than a marketing ploy, but this was directly to me and I knew in my deepest being it was
FOR me. The funny thing is that Dan has been in bands and performed many times on stage at clubs and such, and I always had this longing for him to single me out and sing a verse to me, or call me out as his and say something cute about me in front of the entire crowd. I even fantasized about this when he lead worship, knowing He was singing to the LORD, but I still wanted to be acknowledged as his. And when I saw Jesus like this, I blushed like everyone was watching. I looked around to see who all was looking and they all had their eyes on the stage. I looked at Him shyly and found myself acting like a giggly school-girl in pig-tails. I listened but half-not. I payed attention - but was too bashful to keep my eyes straight on Him. I found myself saying things like, " Seriously," "I don't believe this," and "okay, okay," implying that's enough, although I sooo did not mean it. It was pretty cool, and I will always remember the lengths my Beloved will go through to make sure I know He hears me and He loves me - but most importantly to me, that I will always be His girl.
I remember one time during an Encounter service at the old Southlake building of Gateway Church - we met to spend an evening engaging in different forms of worshiping God. It was one of my favorites - ever! It entailed many things, such as everyone praying at the same time aloud. After about a minute, it seemed like everyone was praying the same exact thing and we were all on the same page - it sounded magical. Then there was a time when just the musicians took off on the guitar and drums and bolted out amazing solos like I remember in the old band days. The sounds were like those of heaven even though it was heavy electric instruments and most people seem to liken harps and flutes with the soft sound of heaven. NOT! My favorite was when everyone rushed the stage like at a concert to petition before God and repent. There was much deliverance and special encounters. But, perhaps the most like Kingdom of Heaven was when we all began singing to God - each our own tune and song that happened to be on our minds. At first it was a hodge-podge of tone-deaf individuals trying to sing half-memorized versions of their favorite song. But then something so extraordinary happened that I cannot do it justice to try to explain it. You had to be there to experience the transformation which took place and the way the auditorium altered its voice: I stopped for a bit and sang lightly because I just could not believe my ears. The mess of voices which I heard just moments ago was now a PERFECT harmony of angelic sounds singing as in unison the same heavenly song. It was trippy. It just was. I looked around and tried to tune in to my neighbor's song and compare it to that of the people behind us - but I could not. They were all singing the same chorus, a beautiful timely melody that I could not help but join in to! AMAZING!

There were also the worship nights at which we recorded the songs for the new coming worship CD's. If this ever happens again, I encourage all to go and be a part of this awesome time! The first recording for "Wake Up the World," the LORD found me among all the people in the crowd and called me by a new name. I had been asking for a name change like Jacob - for a while! And this night He called me out and answered my request in a most personal way. He called me Beautiful. Although I did not feel like it, I took Him at His word. If He said so, then I must be. At the second worship recording, I was actually in the choir with Dan and Claudia, our oldest daughter. It was the very best serving experience I have been involved in at Gateway so far. The LORD used Pastor Robert during the intermission to speak directly to me about rejecting the Spirit of Mammon. It started a chain-reaction of events, I had thought was over by this time. A new perspective and a new level of discerning and learning began.

For one more example I'd like to recall a time during the monthly Habitation services, which are corporate worship services just like the Encounter ones were in the previous building. I had been burdened by the world, and the end of it. Movies like
2012, Wall-E, The Book Of Eli, reminded me of what I had heard about the media getting the population accustomed to what's about to become and be the norm. I had been watching some disturbing conspiracy theory shows with Jesse Ventura my parents and friends watch. I was so saddened for this earth and could not imagine the decay of it. I was so sad with the fact that I had not yet been able to travel the world because of immigration reasons, and have not seen all this beauty I marvel at in photos and movies. I was completely heartbroken. And so I came to the service to pray. I prayed for the world and for it not to end in 2012. I asked God to prolong His sentence. I asked to experience the beauty and for my kids to be able to as well. I cried bitterly for this planet and saw in my mind every detail of nature and the beauty of His creation, we have neglected throughout the years. I wanted more time. I believe God granted me my request. I have been at peace about it since!
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