Monday, February 6, 2012


I love this one! I never thought to link Philippians 2:3-4 with hearing the voice of His Spirit and obedience though. The verse is familiar to me, because we had to memorize it during a bible study years ago, but it comes up in my mind often.  Not in a way that demeans who I am, but in a way to keep me humble and focus on others instead. I just noticed that the second part of this verse talks about looking for the interests of others and how by esteeming others as better than ourselves helps us look at them with the eyes of God and also makes it easier for us to obey His promptings and His voice to help.  I mean if your favorite movie star or pastor or singer or politician were in need - by esteeming him higher than yourself, you would drop all and run for the chance to help someone you highly esteemed. Now if you saw the person before you now as important as that, as influential, wealthier, better looking and as higher than you - you would not waste a moment to help out. So let's put on the clear lenses of God and use the 20-20 vision of the Kingdom of Heaven and see those in our homes, neighborhoods and friendship circles as royalty. (and no need for comparison because we already know our true identity - we are royalty too).

My favorite times in life are those when the amazing unexpected happens and I get surprised in wonderful ways that I walk on clouds for days following.  Some of those times are when the kiddos want attention and are quite honestly sounding like broken records, but I step out and obey His voice and we end up playing Barbies, house, build train tracks or try to get to the next level in Mario Bros. I love the moments I step out and get dressed when I don't feel like it, pack a lunch and go off to the park and walk, ride bikes or play tennis. Good times. It's always hard to obey at first because I trust my feelings initially and want to "feel" good - which usually means I lay around and do little meaningful activity and in the end feel bad about it. So don't trust your feelings. "Nothing more than feelings..."
When I step out of my comfort zone is when I begin to see possibilities for freedom. I see things I wouldn't have earlier and the joy within gives me strength to go on.  It may take a lot of pushing and pulling, but in the end it is always worth the effort.

There were also times that I remember when I felt so embarrassed and uncomfortable to approach others, but when I did, I was the one blessed. For example stopping in the middle of the mall to pray for an elderly lady whom I found out suffered a death in the family recently. There was the time when I got out of my car in a Target parking lot and gathered shopping carts with the late night employees w ho looked at me crazy! But the simple "God bless you and have a nice night" was enough for one of the employees that night. There were gazillion times when I picked up trash and cleaned bathrooms in stores and churches, that I did not understand what for - other than I was doing my part in obeying and taking care of God's creation by being a good steward.

Now there were also plenty - plenty, of times when I simply disobeyed and mostly ignored the voice of God because I did not want to be bothered or I had other agendas or wants at that time.  I am sad to think about what all I missed out on and in just how many ways I could have been someone of meaning to a person or even a place.  There were a lot of good causes I failed to uphold, posted on Facebook but kept my mouth shut. There was a lot of missed opportunities with God in the mornings, a lot of missed opportunities to spend quality times with my kids. I can go on about the missed opps but I know God has graced me and I need to concentrate on the positive and the good things in life. If I lived - like I certainly have in the past - regretting all the things I messed up on, I would live a very sad, sad life.  But I press on to what lies ahead and pray I wont make the same mistake twice. Thank God, He gives us many second chances to experience the joy of obedience!  Let's practice the Philippians 4:8(and 9) principle: 

(8)Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.  (9)Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

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