"Thou shall not covet..." One of the Big Ten and for a good reason. But, just like the other nine that made it on the tablets, this one is so very hard for us to fulfill and therefore we fall into the trap of disobeying the word of God. The 600+ other laws were too many, so if we can just do the main ten, we would be okay - but not even so. The law was ordered in place to allow us to see how fallen and in desperate need we actually are. If there were no law, we would create our own absolutes, and to each his own; and if all is acceptable - then nothing is. It would be a mass chaos for sure. The LORD gave us the law to show us how He expects this world to run- as it is in Heaven. But we also will never be able to fully complete the law even if we started from this moment on and nothing in our past counted. Cannot be done! Praise be to Jesus who actually lived by the law, completed its every demand to the letter so that by taking on His righteousness, we would be forever blameless before our Father in heaven. Good News! Whew... but the law is now written on our hearts of flesh, and the Holy Spirit guides us to live by it anyway because we actually want to be good! It just keeps getting better!
The more I tear apart though my past, and my motives, my life circumstances, traits and all, the more I see what the LORD has been trying to show me all along: The enemy of my soul and my life in general is not people - but these powers of darkness - the devil and his demons, that we cannot see with our physical eyes. The more I dig in to find out the will of God the more I see things plainly laid out,orderly, simply separated,ordained and falling into the right or the left - black or white.
The gray areas is what we create or we allow Satan to bluff us into entering. It is an awful existence to be lukewarm, and neither hot or cold towards something or someone. The biggest complaint in women these days are passive husbands who are just "there." The most unhappy employees are those who just go to work and have no excitement towards it because they are working a job they are not wired for. We have been lied to to stay away from the absolutes and get in the gray - be politically correct, for example. It's like the devil is wanting a world of robotic humans, with no hope, dreams, desires or passion towards anything, for the sake of equality! This is absolutely the most awful way to propose living in peace. You lose your soul in the end by doing it his way. We are a beautiful tapestry of unique and very different individuals who must learn to live in peace and embrace our differences and individuality, our opinions and even looks. This is how we get to true peace and bliss but it is a hard road that involves each person working hard on dealing with him/herself and we have gotten lazy. Bottom line. We don't want to take the hard road and the one less traveled, so we give in to others who are trying to tell us who we are and what we like, knowing all along there is something wrong inside. We are screaming from the inside out! But, we are too programmed to step out of the fake comfort zones and do anything about it. It is a sad existence indeed.
To come back around from chasing rabbits now... Coveting is something I am trying to understand. Talking about the time of Eve being duped by Satan in the Garden with the girls in bible study, I was reminded of just how much we get tricked into coveting. She had it all in the Garden, bliss of being able to see with her spiritual eyes, walking with God, having a man unlike any other who loved her, no shame, no past regrets, no unpleasant dreams and physical ailments, she was the most beautiful woman on earth and her husband the most handsome and they ruled the entire world together. They had it all, and all was subject to them. Perfect Paradise, we keep singing about these days, but they had it. And then a snake that talks comes and tells Eve she is missing out on something... There is something else she could be doing and Someone else she could be like. It is the sin of pride that caused Lucifer to fall from heaven. He wanted more than all he had in heaven. He wanted glory, and to get it he thought he needed to be like God. So he caused a rebellion because of this notion that he needs to be praised, that he should have others want to be like him, answer to him, do as he says and he should be like God. So since he was thrown down, somewhere between heaven and earth in Genesis 1:1, he has been trying to fool us into wanting to be like him and wanting glory for us knowing we cannot handle it. He has been trying to get us to think we are missing out on something and if we only had this then all our problems would be solved: we would know all, be able to create anything, own and rule the world, etc. We would be famous and rich, skinny, good looking, healthy, you name it. It's easy to
go along with this false notion aside from knowing Christ. But the truth is - once we have believed on Jesus and are born again into the spiritual family of God - we DO HAVE everything we need just as we would in heaven. But the way the devil tricks the Christians is lying to us about our identity and inheritance. If he can trick us into thinking we have no more power and authority to overcome than we did before we were born again - then he has defeated us and we are of little threat. So there are millions of Christians who are walking in despair wondering why the LORD wont come through when all along He has given us all weapons, all authority, all power and all assurance that when we ask in accordance with His will the answer is "Yes" and "amen!" Seek. Ask. It will be given.
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