"Give me the nations, LORD," we pray. But what do we really want? Fame in the world? Our business or mission to be spread worldwide? For everyone to know what we have to say or does it matter if we are the ones spreading the word? Are we content to just pray about it and allow someone else to do the work? I know most people would rather just do that - but for those of us who would rather be in the middle of the action - why? My cry has been for the LORD to give me His heart, so that my prayers and my willingness to go out into the world and make a difference are with pure motives. I want to want to help others because I have a heart to do it, and only the LORD and myself will know - but I want it to be so real. I want to know that what I am doing and pursuing and praying for as far as the nations go, is for the benefit of others. I know my blessings will come, but it's not a focus. I want to get there.
I pray for Israel. I pray for America. I pray for countless countries when I hear about sudden traumas or disasters there like India or Haiti. I pray for the people and the land especially when I am viewing it on the Internet or the television. The videos and photos right in front of my eyes make it more real and urgent I guess. Like the commercials of the little girls lined up in the streets of India after sold into trafficking, or the poor kiddos in africa thin as skeletons caring for their baby brothers and sisters because they lost their parents. I pray for this world. But there is something else...

Some years ago, Daniel gave me a book by K.P. Yohanan, entitled "The Road to Reality," in which he described the impoversihed state of his homeland, India, and challenged us to see that we live like kings here in the states and take our "stuff" for granted most of the time. He also shared a view that the LORD showed him, and that is for Christians from other areas of the world to pray and help with their country of origin. He went on to say how natives receive people of their own nationality a lot better than just "some Americans" who have no idea what life is like in other parts of the world, really. He said that because he was originally from India, it was easier for him to set up a mission house there, and for him to get a group of Christians together in India who trusted him, and share in the same vision for their land. It was the first time I heard this, but nevertheless, very interesting and simple. If your roots are Mexican, make your mission field in Mexico. If your roots are German, go to Germany to share the Gospel. Very interesting. So, about a year or so later, in worship at one of the Encounter services, the LORD shared with me how He wanted me to go back to Serbia and help. I remembered what I had read in this book, and knew it was destiny. When or how, or in what sense and context I do not know yet, but I am excited about it.

I remember the spiritual oppression there. I remember all the fuss about curses and superstitions, and evil eyes. I know there aren't a lot of Spirit-filled churches there, probably due to the fact the country was communist for so long. The religious of the land were thought of as simple minded folk because they mixed superstition into tradition and formed a bunch of religious activity and rituals. Candle lighting, saint worship, and the awe of being inside a church building was more of a holy fear - holy fear being a good thing if you know who your God is. The reverence is something I wish we had more of today. But in all, the fear of being on your best behavior in a church building (where God's presence is thought to only lie) and not living by God's love the rest of the days, only says that the God being worshiped is not omnipresent or omniscient. It does not believe He is with us everywhere and knows and sees everything. That's not our God. I would love to help open a church and worship center where the people of Serbia can learn about the truths of the bible and how relevant God's word is for today. I want the people to know that the lie of the communist parties that religion is for the weak is just that - a lie. It is exactly the opposite. Those without the knowledge of God and His precepts, His mercy, forgiveness, and mostly His love, live in inner weakness and hopelessness, leaning on people to come through for them and help them instead. There is no absolute and therefore no truth. When there is not real truth - it's all a lie. If it's all a lie - then what's the point of life? Hopelessness is delivered into the minds of youth and it's sad to see. I want to change this in Serbia. One day I hope to preach hope there.

My main countries I pray for are America, Israel, and Haiti. I pray for America and Israel for the obvious reasons, and Haiti because the child we sponsor through Compassion International lives there. But, I've been concerned for Haiti since the tenth grade. Our Humanities Club got invited to do this thing called World Game. I was assigned to Haiti in the World Game, and I've never forgotten how precarious their situation is. The extreme poverty, lack of natural resources and domestic products, government issues, HIV epidemic, etc. In the game, I, in the role of Haiti, had little to nothing of value to offer the countries who had resources to help, so they did not feel very motivated to offer aid. I expect that is the way things work in real life, as well.
ReplyDeleteThe idea of being evangelical toward the country of your ancestry is an interesting concept. I wonder which country that would be for me, since my ancestry is a very mutt-like mix of many different European countries? Just something to pray about, I suppose.
Good post, Lolly.