My heart goes out to Israel - like I cannot explain. When I hear of nation's leaders hating this little piece of God country so much and wanting the annihilation of the Jews like Hitler, Haman, and many others who bore the Antichrist spirit. To me, this is a BIG proof about God's word! His people. I mean, why would nation after nation, throughout history want the Jews gone. Why so much interest for this tiny nation? Why so much hatred especially from the Arab nations? Is it because we cannot stand to see someone favored and it not being us? Kind of like the new motto "we're all winners in this game! No one should stand out." I always think of the movie "Incredibles." Dash is fighting with his dad about being special and what's wrong with that, and then mumbles "if everyone is special - then no one is." It's the basis of socialism. Fake equality.
America the beautiful! Ahhh, I so do wish we can stand up and voice our opinions for this great nation and express how the majority still wants it to be successful to stand out in the world and be a refuge of hope and opportunity! I've never considered myself a political person, but regarding this country - man... I can join a revolution! I read and learn what this country stood for back in the day, and know that God blesses godly principles which we follow and He has indeed blessed this country greatly for many reasons. It's full of His people. I pray for a great revival and an awakening of souls!
Abortion. Child trafficking. Hunger (especially in children - seeing the stats of babies and kiddos dying for the lack of food or water does something crazy in me). These are the types of injustice I am looking to help with. I suppose they all have to do with kids, and I know my heart goes out to children in need everywhere. I love to see the different races - their beautiful faces; I have been mesmerized by different types of nationalities since I can remember. I remember how much I loved seeing toys and games and cards or books with kids dressed up in their national get-up. Si interesting and different yet the picture when they are all holding hands around the world is what I love to see most. I want to solve world hunger, filter the drinking water in the even most remote parts of the world, eliminate child trafficking with severe punishment and exposure, and reverse abortion laws as they are unconstitutional and anti-human. That's all for now.
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