I love how the LORD is patient with us and waits for us to grow and mature, no matter how long it takes. I think the first step is realizing we are doing something wrong. Like in AA meetings (although I do not agree with pronouncing "I am an alcoholic" because it just drives home all the more the very thing they are trying to free people from) - You must first acknowledge who you are. Repenting is to free ourselves from being tempted to feel condemned. We are purchased by His blood, forgiven, acquitted of all charges, adopted into the family of God, chosen, and favored. God is for us. We are His. Forever and ever.
So when we realize a dumb sheep behavior that is not doing us a bit of good - we must acknowledge it first, decide and choose for ourselves that we want something better for us, that the damaging behavior is hurtful to our bodies, future, etc. and we want to change. We must be willing to see and face the truth and see things for what they are. This way, when we do it again, we will recognize it sooner, and the next time even sooner, and each time the false pleasure weakens its appeal. We are on a path to living free of anything that binds us and directs us where to go. I can talk about all of this, but I am still on that path : morphing from a sheep to a free daughter of the Most High! It's been a long road but each day I get closer and more free to be me. We must receive grace and understanding we are already blameless before Him, so that when we do fall short, we know it's okay. The LORD will lead us and guide us, show us things like generational iniquities to renounce, negative patterns to dismiss, but we must be willing and wanting to change for the good. Otherwise, we remain sheep. He is waiting for us to ask Him, and He will do all it takes to free us from every stronghold and bondage so that we may be true representatives of His glory on earth like we will one day shine in heaven.
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